All Change at Shaws Fish and Chips!

Mike Shaw jumped in at the deep end at the beginning of this year when he moved his shop, Shaws Fish and Chips, to a brand new building in Dodworth, Barnsley. Having outgrown the original shop, Mike took the decision to move to a bigger premises to expand his business.

‘It was the first time we’ve done something like this and it was more complex than we thought but thankfully we had a really good shopfitter, Barlands, who really helped out,’ Mike explained. The new shop was originally an old fish and chip shop but was completely gutted and replaced with a fresh, nautical theme, complete with seafront prints covering the walls.

There was a complete change with the range too: from a 3 pan traditional counter range to a 5 pan High Efficiency Florigo island range and backlit counter. ‘At first it felt like we were trainees again frying on this new range but after a week or two we were flying. As well as our training session with Raf, we also had John come and help out on one of our first Fridays so we could really get to grips with our range.’

Now that the team are settling into the new home, Mike can really see that moving was a risk worth taking: ‘the range is brilliant and business has jumped up; in fact we’ve seen an increase of 15%.  It’s brilliant!’