Going for Gold at Chip + Fish

The name ‘Westfield’ is fast becoming known as the place to shop up and down the country. Since the latest Westfield Shopping Centre in Stratford, East London, opened its doors last September, a steady stream of visitors has been spending their hard earned cash and checking out the abundance of choice in the international Food Court.
One of the retailers is Chip + Fish who wanted to continue their success at their site in the Westfield Centre based in West London. With a focus on good, fresh and, where possible, sustainable fish, Chip + Fish have already established themselves as a popular option for shoppers who want to refuel but would like good quality food, cooked well.
The team behind Chip + Fish are a restaurant based company with a background in French style Bistros but although they had success and had expertise in food preparation, this venture did bring some new challenges. Store Manager Tim Sutton explains: ‘The installation was not standard at all: the unit is on the first floor so cranes had to be used and there were 100s of other retailers being installed at the same time. The fryer had to be made and delivered in a very particular way but the Frying Solutions team dealt with whatever was thrown in their way.’
The fryer they chose was the first specific frying range they have invested in; the West London site had separate fish and chip units and the team can really see a difference. They ordered a 5 pan island range which includes a griddle, induction hob and a bain marie. And it certainly hasn’t disappointed: ‘We’re Happy Bunnies!’ Tim said.
Since Chip + Fish have opened, they have not only realised how important it is to have a good frying range, but they have also realised how important the friers are! ‘A good frier is worth their weight in gold,’ Tim said. ‘The friers have a main role here and we’ve made sure that we have friers that are comfortable to work in full view of the public, can read the crowds and can work quickly.’
The whole team will certainly be put to the test when it comes to the summer: the Westfield Stratford City is based right within the Olympic site. ‘We’re very pleased with our Florigo and although we haven’t been constantly using it to its full capacity, we know that when we do, we will have full confidence in it. We have had busy periods at weekends and at Christmas so we do know what to expect but this will be constant plus with the added challenges of security, deliveries and all the paperwork.’
Let’s hope Chip + Fish will be getting gold this summer!