Singing our praises at Fish King!

Since having a 5 pan HE Florigo island range installed in January, Chris Frangeskou has nothing but positive things to say about his Florigo: ‘I’ve worked on many ranges and this one cannot be beaten! It’s a beast; it just keeps going!’
His takeaway in Lincoln, Fish King, had an old 3 pan counter range that couldn’t keep up with demand and he made the decision to buy a Florigo within a week: ‘It’s a big decision to make but I have family members who own a Florigo and they advised me that although it’s a big initial outlay, you only pay out once and you then reap the benefits.’
And as far as Chris is concerned, the benefits list is endless! ‘Apart from our takings being up generally by 15%-20%, the range is a solid, excellent build and the filtration is as fast as hell: we filter the whole range in 10 minutes. In fact we don’t waste oil and the oil is transparent in the fish pans. Also the customers have noticed that the product is cleaner and crisper and they have also noticed that the product is of the same standard regardless of who has cooked it, which is what I wanted: each fry is as good as the last one.
‘It did take a bit of getting used to as I would free fry on the old range and now we basket fry which at first I was very apprehensive about but now I’m used to it, I think it’s great: for me it’s the fastest way to fry, especially with its recovery rate.
‘It’s a pleasure to work on and it doesn’t feel like I’m working any more as there’s far less hassle.’ Even for Good Friday, his new Florigo didn’t let him down: ‘It was always a chaotic day with the old range, but this year we didn’t break a sweat. I can honestly say it’s the Rolls Royce of Ranges: you pay for the best and you get the best!’